Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Time to look back...A time to look forward

I have not written anything in a very long time. I am still running inconsistently, and I still eat horribly but I am still working at it! I look at my wall of accomplishments from this year and am so proud! I ran 12 races ( 7-5K, 1-5 miler, 1- 8K, 2-10K and the Chicago Marathon) so I am so happy of how far I came. My goals were to run all 3 of the Joliet races (10, 5 and 8 K) which I did and my other goal was to run the Chicago half Marathon. Well I did not do that but instead I ran the full Marathon! Yep in 5 hours 10 min and 16 sec.! I was so proud! I ran it under a different name so now I KNOW that I will be doing it again this year under MY NAME!!! So I feel like I met my goals from last year :)SO now I am thinking of new goals. My new goals for 2013 will be this! South Bend Marathon for my husband who is the biggest ND fan EVER, Chicago Marathon, all 3 Joliet races with my youngest son Brennan and PR all of my times, and finally run 500-1000 miles this year! I want to push my self to be better! I love my new running buddy! It makes me so proud that he has started this journey with me and loves it! I am so happy that I found a run group that is so awesome! If not for them I would never have done the BOA Marathon! Thanks! I am so lucky to have my husband and kids to support, cheer and love me in this journey! Friends that support and cheer me on! 2013 is going to be the year I can feel it!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

measurements 2

arms 10 in. waist 301/2 in. chest 36 in. hips 35 in. Thighs 19 1/2in. wrist 6 in. calf 14 in.

The start and new goals

When I started trying to look and feel better, it was only because I was told I had to by my doctor. I had gone to the neurologist because my vertigo had gotten so bad it was hard to work. When the nurse took my blood pressure her response to my was "Oh honey you should be stroked out right now". So she had me lay down and took it again, still no change, so then she had me stand and took it still no change. Well everything came back good from the neurologist, but I had to go see my primary care doctor. So I got in the next day and it was still super high. So she tells me that I have to quit smoking, quit drinking, and start eatting right. Well for anyone that knows me (Tiff :)) I was not about to do that. So I went home and thought about what I wanted to do because I am not the best at remembering to take medicine. So I started looking at running races, and told my husband that I was going to run one the next weekend. No I hate hate hate to work out, but to me running its working out, LOL. So I did, I drove to Morris at 7 AM with my boys and brought my teenage nephew with to watch them, and I ran my first ever 5K! This was also the first time I had run in 20 years, and I finished it in 38 minutes. Well that was it I was hooked. I have been running ever since. But now that I am running, I want to be more healthy. I am trying to eat right, and do more weight strengthing (Thankns to a friend ;)), ugh! Both are going slow but I know that I can do it! I have also joined a running group! On Saturday July 21st, I went for my first group run with them. They were planning on running 14 miles. So I told them I only wanted to do 8 because I had never run more than 6. Well we stopped at our first water break and they said "I thought you weren't coming on the whole thing?" So I asked "how far are we?" We were at 6 miles in so I would have to run 6 back alone, so I finished with them! It felt great and I was so excited!! 14 miles and I kept up with all these people that are training for the Chicago Marathon. They are trying to get me to do it with them. But I am sticking with my personal goals, run my 3 Joliet races (10K(done), 5K (done), and an 8K(Nov), plus complete a half Marathone(Sept). Now I am adding goals of eatting healthier, and 3 days of strength training per week to tone and strengthen everything not just my legs and butt! Plus, my 9 year old (yes Tiff my second one is 9 already), is doing the strength training and running with me. He wants to get into MMA (mixed martial arts) so he wants to get into fighting shape LOL. But it is great having him to do this with makes me want to keep going. Well that all for now, thanks for reading On a side note, I have lost 7 lbs. already just watching what I was eating but I am always hungry. So my friend gave me a new healthy food plan to follow. I will not say diet because I an eating all day, its healthy food, with healthy snacks to keep me going and lose weight! Well that all for now, thanks for reading

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Boot Camp

So I took my 2nd Boot Camp class tonight! I was still sore from taking the 1st class Monday since my youngest was a baby and he is 9 now, and then running 4.61 miles Tuesday, but it was fun and I wanted to keep going. Vance totally made me sweat my ass off tonight and even made the comment that I made a sweat angel on the mat, LOL. I am hoping to keep this going because it is making me feel great even though it is sooo hard! I have a ton of baseball this weekend for my oldest this weekend so I am trying to get in my runs when I can so that I am able to keep this momentum going. Wish me luck!!!

I want improvements but haven't put in the work!

OK my weight 119 arms 10 waist 31 hips 36 thigh 20 wrist 6 calf 14 chest 36 Why did my thigh and calves go up???? UGH!!!! I realize that I have to do more work to see improvements but I need motivation!! I am looking forward to my friend helping me with my diet and fitness and my other new friend helping kick my ass in his boot camp! I really need to see improvements and I need to stop the beer, it is killing me!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Bad Food Day!

I have no idea what happened yesterday, but it was my worst food day! I was starving all day and it was 102 outside so I couldn't (or chose not to go run) because of the heat, so I went WAY over my calories! I couldn't stop! But today is a new day and I will get back on track! I so want to go weigh myself and measure but I told myself to only do it once a week so if it goes up or down I won't make myself crazy but I really want to lose the weight and inches!!! So I am just going to make today really count. I know it's going to be tough because my oldest son has a baseball tournament all weekend so I will be at the baseball field! Also, my sister-in-law is having a BBQ on Saturday that we are going to in between games UGH and she makes so many awesome not so good for you foods!! And there will be BEER. I have not had a beer since Tuesday. I will be packing a cooler with good food so I don't hit the snack bar! And I will not have a beer I will have a Vodka and lemonade! Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today didn't make me happy but I pushed through

So I was going to run with a friend tonight but he had something come up so I was on my own. It felt good but I was not happy with my time. But I got out there and did it and so want to do better tomorrow. I have stopped my beer for the past 2 days, and that may not seem like a big deal to you butI love my beer. But that love is what got me here, and oh yeah and doing nothing for 20 years, lol. But I have found that I love vodak and crystal light lemonade. It has no carbs., and tastes great! Perfect summer drink. I just want to get in shape. So after my run I came home, cooked dinner for my family, smoked sausage and potatoes, but I had a banana, cottage cheese, and 4 peanut butter crackers. I am still under my calories for the day but over on my protein. After that I did 3 reps of 25 of sit ups, and arm curls and 3 sets of10 push ups. I think I over did it on the sit ups, but I will get over it :) Last night I really wanted a brownie but resisted thanks to people I have never met but are in this weight loss challenge with me :) I woke ul feeling great about it, but I expect more from myself. Tomorrow is a new day where anything can happen! Thanks for reading!